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A community of runners and

walkers of all levels and abilities




What is Reston Runners?

Reston Runners is primarily a group of people who have a common interest in running and staying healthy while enjoying the beautiful Reston pathways.  We are more than just an ad hoc group.  We are an affiliate member of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) and a chartered 501(c)(3) organization.  Reston Runners members are also members of RRCA.

Do I need to be a member to run/walk with Reston Runners?

All of the club’s runs and walks are open to all.  You do not need to be a member to join us.  Just show up at the start location and join the run.

Why should I become a member?

While you can join our run/walks without being a member, we encourage those who participate regularly to join the club. The club has fixed expenses (website, storage unit, etc) to operate. At $35/year, membership is a deal. That's less than a Starbucks a week. Plus, if you are a member, you can attend our fun social events.

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

We want everyone who runs with us to feel that they are part of an organization, not just meeting with a bunch of strangers. And after many years, we’ve found that when people feel like they belong, they are more likely to participate. But in addition to this soft benefit, there are some tangible benefits. Members receive a weekly newsletter, called eNEWS, informing them of club activities. Only members (and family) are invited to participate in club events which incur expenses, such as the annual meeting and parties. Significantly, several local establishments offer discounts to club members, such as Potomac River Running in Reston (10%) and Road Runner Sports in Sterling (10%, in addition to their VIP discount) .

Who runs (pun intended) Reston Runners?

Reston Runners is formally run by an unpaid volunteer board of directors, which consists of 9 members who are elected by the club membership annually. Many of our events happen only because one or more members decide that it should happen and then, with board concurrence, they make it happen. Ultimately the members run the club by actively participating in our fun activities.

How many people belong to Reston Runners?

Reston Runners has over two hundred active members. Our members include people from every age group and demographic. While most of our members live in the greater Reston area, we have several out-of-state members who regularly participate in some of our events. 

When and where does the club meet to run?

The club’s mainstay is our weekly group run/walks. We schedule runs and walks year-round on Saturdays and Sundays. The Saturday runs starts at 8 AM all year, while the Sunday runs starts at 8 AM during the winter and 7 AM during the summer. Additional meetups are listed on the calendar. The start locations are posted on our webpage event calendar.    

How long are the runs and walks?
The Saturday runs are 5 miles and the walks are 3 miles. On Sundays, the runs are 10 miles and walks are normally 6 miles and possibly an abbreviated 3 miles. Additionally, we may add on miles to help people train for longer distances. Many members have been running for years with the club and can give advice on ways to add or subtract mileage to meet your needs. Weekday runs may have shorter versions. Check out the event calendar. 
Why do you call it a run/walk ? Which is it?

We are a running club and refer to the events as “runs”. On the other hand, we have a very active group who prefer to walk. We also have a group that do a combination of walk and run intervals. To encourage runners, walkers, and run/walkers, we use the term “run/walk”. Our weekend events include a course for all three groups.  

Do I have to be fast to run with Reston Runners?

With a diversity of runners and walkers, you can be sure to find other members who run at your pace. Whether you are a runner, walker, or run/walker, no one gets left behind.

I’m new to running. Is Reston Runners right for me?

Reston Runners is an enthusiastic group of exercisers. We welcome new attendees each week to help you meet someone at your level. Since we have groups of runners, run/walkers, and walkers, there is likely someone at the same level.  

I’m not very fast. What if I can’t keep up?

The club has members who run at a wide range of paces. As a result, the group spreads out during the course of a run. You don’t need to keep up with anyone. Odds are good that you’ll find one or more runners at your pace, particularly on the beautiful spring mornings when there’s a big crowd.  

What if I get lost on the trail?

So far, we have never lost a runner or walker – at least not permanently. Most of the weekday run/walks are on the W&OD so you won’t get lost there. Directions and maps for the weekend runs are on the web page. You can even download the courses onto your phones. But despite great effort to make them precise, they can be hard to follow while running. The Saturday courses are usually marked (thanks to volunteers), so if you are paying attention and rain did not wash away the arrows, you probably won’t get lost. In addition, on Saturday, odds are good there will be someone near your speed who knows the course. Sunday can be more of a challenge. Those courses are usually not marked and in a 10-mile span, people can get more spread out. The best option is to bring the directions and try to keep pace with someone on the first few times on a course. Or learn the course. Or wing it. We have some members who, after years in the club, have not learned the courses and enjoy the challenge.   

What if the weather is bad? Do you cancel scheduled events?

We are a hardy group, so there are usually runners who show up regardless of the weather. Also, it would be nearly impossible to get in touch with people on short notice to tell them that an event is canceled. For that reason, we do not officially cancel our routine scheduled events. Participation in any club event is at your discretion. If you think getting to the start (or running on ice) would be too dangerous, then do not join the event. Also, if the weather is really bad, we don’t guarantee that anyone will be there, and can’t promise that the volunteers who put out water will make it.  

Do I need any special gear or clothes?

You don’t need any special gear or clothes. A lot of people run with a GPS but many do not. On hot days, people tend to carry water, even though water is provided on our weekend runs. You can wear whatever you are comfortable wearing.


Are there any social activities?

After weekend morning runs, the group sometimes convenes at a local restaurant for breakfast, and there are occasional potluck parties at members' homes. The club has many social events, including an annual meeting/dinner, a summer party, and a holiday party. In addition to these regular activities, club members periodically arrange a Happy Hour, and the leaders of various club activities and events often schedule social events for the volunteers. As with any organization, people get to know each other and make social arrangements with others.

How do I find out what’s going on?

Our primary communication is via our website and the eNEWS. The website, which is updated frequently, contains our schedule, course maps and information about our activities. The eNEWS is sent out weekly to both club members and non-members.  Information is also provided in announcements at the beginning of each run/walk. 

How does the club help the community?
Reston Runners has a sister organization, called the Reston Runners Community Fund (RRCF). RRCF is a separate 501(c)(3) organization, which raises funds for the Reston/Herndon community. Since 2013, RRCF has awarded four scholarships each year to student athletes from Herndon High School and South Lakes High School. The RRCF is the primary beneficiary of the proceeds from the Runners Marathon of Reston.
Our members also organize informally, but often en masse, to provide volunteers to local charitable running and triathlon events. The club focuses on helping the community get active. 


Are kids allowed to run with the club?

We cannot allow unaccompanied children to run with the club. We have no specific rules, but generally if a child is not old enough to drive to the start they probably need an adult companion. Even with an adult companion, we discourage bringing children who are not old enough to take care of themselves.    

Can I run while listening to my iPod or iPhone?

We have no rules prohibiting the use of listening devices. If you wish, you may use them. 

Can I bring my dog?

Sorry, but we can’t have people running with dogs. It could get messy with multiple people running together with dogs on leashes. (Scenes from a comedy movie are not funny in real life.) Walking with a dog is usually fine, though. Our regular dog walkers on Saturdays usually go on their own route by choice.

Do you offer any training?

Several of our members are RRCA-certified running instructors. These members, and others, volunteer their time for various programs which Reston Runners sponsors. Some of these programs have been institutionalized and are held every year. Others vary from year to year, depending upon the interest of both volunteers and participants. These programs incur costs and are generally open to members and non-members alike, so there are fees for participation. Details are provided on each Program web page.

Can I volunteer to help?

Definitely - Reston Runners relies exclusively on volunteers to make all the events and activities successful. Water is provided, trails are marked, web pages are updated, the eNEWS is sent weekly, events are organized and executed, permits are requested, records are maintained, equipment and supplies are purchased, bills are paid. There is a lot to do, and all are welcome to pitch in. Watch the web page for opportunities to get involved. Ask any one of the board members how you might be able to help.